Wednesday, July 15, 2015

2015 Shakespeare Camp Performance, according to Number Two

Number Two blogged yesterday with her excellent photos and I loved the way she told the story! 

Last Saturday my two littlest sisters performed in their homeschool group's 7th annual Shakespeare Camp. It started in our old backyard seven years ago, when I was already in college. The middle and high schoolers who participate have only ONE WEEK to rehearse, so they have to have all their lines memorized before the week begins. Every year they choose a different, complete Shakespeare play, and this year they did Love's Labour's Lost (which I wasn't very familiar with).

I took a bunch of photos during the performance on the at the behest of my mother. Thus here is the play in snapshots.

The King and his cronies reading a letter from the Spaniard Don Armado.

Who is shown here despairing over his love for a "wench"...

...and now wooing her.

The Princess of France, aka my sis Bia, looking regal with her court, including Katherine, aka lil sis Tessie in light blue.

Gossiping ladies in waiting.

Another letter from Don Armado, which severely bored and rather disgusted the ladies.

The constable was tired.

Bia's friend Katie playing a character, Holofernes, who pretended to be smart by spouting bad Latin but just confused me.

The Princess and her ladies comparing gifts from their lovers.

The King and his court pretending to be Russians, and the Princess and her ladies pretending to be each other. Typical Shakespeare.

At the end, we had two songs sung by Spring and Winter. I was again confused.

Curtain call! Yay!!

Not sure what happened here but I love the effect.

Bia and Tessie with roses from our dad. Congrats to the actresses!

My mom, the producer/costume director and Caitilin the director.


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