Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Just sent in the finished play about Saints Benedict and Scholastica.

The Twin Saints
A play for children by Ana Braga-Henebry, M.A.

Saint Scholastica is one of my favorite saints, since her feast day falls on my birthday.

This play is dedicated to my son Gus as he leaves for college, since his favorite saint of all times is Saint Benedict, and whose name he adopted as his Confirmation name.

As sources for this play I used the text of Saint Gregory The Great’s Dialogues, as well as Kathleen Norris’ and de Paola’s excellent book on the lives of these saints, The Holy Twins, © 2001 Putnam’s Sons.
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  1. thanks for stopping by. I do enjoy your blog too -- I'm a follower! I sure can use the wisdom your blog and the Love2Learn site provide !

  2. My confirmation name is Benedict as well. I guess great minds think alike.
