Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Second Grade class

I took some pictures of Mother's family picture albums while I was in Brazil... will post them periodically.

Try to find me... hint: I was a good student. The school was started by German Benedictines in Rio.

Sunday update with a further hint (since this task sees to be dumbfounding all readers): Good students received medals each month. Mother Superior would come in the class, we would all rise, and a special tablecloth would cover the teacher's desk. She would give each girl her grades in alphabetical order, and only the perfect-grade students would receive a medal, which we were supposed to wear daily as part of the uniform. (We did tuck it in the collar when we were running). In this meantime I found the site of the German Motherhouse of the Benedictine Missionaries of Tutzing, where the sister originally came from. They seem to have schools in Africa, South Korea, the Philippines, and... Nebraska and MN as well.


  1. Sweater, front row, behaving nicely?

  2. I will not tell yet. Husband and Number Two both guessed it right by email.

  3. hint--look for someone who looks like a young Patrick!!

  4. Hmmm. The one that jumped right out at me is the one right in the center of the second row, wearing a sweater and a headband. (And looking an awful lot like #7!)

  5. I don't know. Brazilians all look alike to me! I'm guessing the font row, second from right, OR middle row, center to r. of the center girl witn sweater buttoned up?

  6. What a fun picture!

    My guess is middle row 2nd from the left......the girl with the jacket on??!!

    What a beautiful grotto in the background!

  7. I FOUND YOU!!!
    -numero tres

  8. The girl in the center of the middle row, to the right of the girl with the headband? Also, maybe the second to the left in the middle row, she looks a bit like #5.

  9. Fourth one from the left in the front row or the fifth one from left in second row or fifth girl from left in back row? From your hint in your blog (the good girl) I thought you may be standing closest to the statue of Mary.

  10. Well, I'm guessing the little girl with the buttoned sweater in the middle of the second row.

  11. Ana,

    First guess, the girl 2nd from right in the first row looks a lot like Maria



  12. second row, second from the left!

  13. I am guessing the little girl in the front row - second from the right - already showing support for the child next to her.

  14. I agree with Theresa.
    How blessed you were to grow up in the Catholic Faith!
    Have a blessed week. Thanks for the fun!

  15. I agree with Anonymous: The girl in the center of the middle row, to the right of the girl with the headband?

    When do we get to find out???

  16. You're right in the middle, under Mary, with a ruffle sweater and white headband. Tell me I'm right!

  17. ok - second guess - the little girl in the front row - far left - first one. She is wearing an award medal

  18. Just How about the girl to the left of the girl in the headband and the sweater? That's my guess!

  19. hehe so are you ever going to tell them mom???
