Tuesday, June 01, 2010

A visit to an Organic Farm

The farmers had an open-house as they are expanding their businessand we brought home a gallon of raw-milk to try. We have never had milk allergies but we have different allergies and we are constantlylooking for ways to improve the quality of the family's nutrition. Besidesour own organic garden that supplies almost all of our tomatoes,potatoes, onions, garlic, applesauce, corn, green beans and many others, we have only only eaten grass-fed beef purchased directly from the farm for many years.

Number Seven was in her element, amidst animals, helping bring the cows, churning raw milk ice-cream and learning about the milking process!


  1. Neat. I don't think my kids have ever seen cows milked. Sad commentary on something-I'm not sure what!

  2. We used to go often to the dairy research farm when we lived in KS... the kids use to love it.

  3. mom is that where the good ice cream on the KSU campus was from??

  4. Yes! http://www.asi.ksu.edu/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=204

  5. I remember that yummy KSU ice cream! I wish we had some raw milk closer although the kids weren't too keen on it when we did get it.
