Saturday, July 17, 2010

Chant Camp Finale

The closing mass was celebrated by the Bishop, who referred to the week as a historic moment, and Number Four helped in the Men's Schola. The group picture with Chant Camp teachers Mrs. Knutson and Dr. Donelson came out very well! The kids can't wait for next summer's Chant Camp!

Further thoughts during a break from garden work: Number One always tells me I should write more on my blog. He is right of course. During my garden work this morning I realized how much I didn't say here. How this whole week has been a dream come true for me personally, as I have loved Gregorian Chant all of my life, and many times in such a lonely manner. How both of the teachers expressed such joy in working with the children, and how their talent for this sort of thing was the crowning key to the success of the camp. How my girls loved every minute of it, telling each other all of the music games played in the respective classes, and the newly learned material. I do have a heart so brimming with gratitude!