Sunday, October 17, 2010

All Saints Paper Doll Pattern!

Now uploaded again here!


  1. Dear Ana: I found your lovely cut-out Saint dolls at Lacy's Catholic Icing All Saints Day post. My family and i have had a delightful time making Saints dolls with your patterns for the last three nights in a row!!! Come see our parade saints, and thank you for sharing your creativeity with us.

  2. We looove your saints! My girls and I spent a while admiring all of them! May I copy some of those pictures and post them?

  3. Yes, of course you may copy them and post them. We made another (making that the fourth night in a row!) -- this one a St. Michael with a wiggly dead snake at his feet. I'll have to post a pic of it. blessings.

  4. The link to download the patterns doesn't work. Just an FYI. Please get it up again; I soooo want to make these:)

  5. Hi Anna-I was just searching the internet for saint doll patterns and your blog popped up second on the list! Just thought I would say "hi"! I hope all is well with you. Love,Marie Daly

  6. Hello Marie! How very nice to hear from you! Just found these lovely nativity cutouts!

  7. Hi, there! We love your saint doll pattern and can't wait to make them! However, your link no longer exists. Can you fix it? Blessings!

  8. I just came across your site from a link on Catholic icing. My girls have been asking for a unit on the Saints A-Z and these dolls look like something they'd love to make. Unfortunately, the link doesn't work anymore. Is it possible to fix it? Thank you so much.

  9. Try this one!

  10. I have a Catechism class of 13 boys and 4 girls. And the boys love paper doll anything. We made Paper doll St. JPII last week and I'd like to try these Saint dolls for All Saints day. Any advice on how to handle the sword/violence piece? Do you just let them go crazy with that or encourage them to have a variety of saints (some less violent and encourage them to figure out which saints had swords/why vs the more peaceful saints). Also, any ideas for all soul's day activities? Thanks!

  11. Nicole, they each could choose and study the story of a patron saint or favorite saint! Few saints are violent, saint Michael usually has a sword because he fought the bad angels in heaven.
