Thursday, October 14, 2010

Using my Sea to Shining Sea Workbook, II

Like I promised, here is a second post on using my workbook with a group of students. Chapter Three took us through the story of Juan Diego and the California missions. I sent them the CHC link for a Guadalupe How-to-Draw and also found this simple California Mission how-to-draw. (I have wonderful artists in the class).

I also requested via ILL a book that looks beautiful: Romance of the Bells by Jean Stern. My library unfortunately has little or nothing for kids about the CA missions. I sent them links for Dover and Bellerophon titles, and of course I sent them to the post of our own visit to a CA Mission!

1 comment:

  1. Ana,

    I thought I died and went to heaven. I'm beside myself in discovering that ANOTHER Brazilian, practicing Catholic, of Portuguese roots, and homeschooling in the USA exists!!!!!! I can't tell you my delight.

    I was born in Rio de Janeiro, & grew up in New York. I'm of proud Portuguese roots, practicing Catholic family, and this is my second year homeschooling.

    I would love to communicate with you via email.

    Heloisa "Eloise" Guerreiro
