Tuesday, November 09, 2010

A new Brazilian Saint!

Whenever I talk to my sister in Brazil I learn something... and this is wonderful news!


SALVADOR, Brazil, NOV. 5, 2010 (Zenit.org).- The archbishop of Salvador announced last week that Sister Dulce, a Brazilian religious who dedicated her life to the poor, will be beatified soon.
Cardinal Geraldo Majella Agnelo made this announcement Oct. 27 at the headquarters of Obras Sociais Irma Dulce (The Charitable Works Foundation of Sister Dulce) in Salvador. He said that before the end of the year the beatification process will be completed and the date of the ceremony will be made known.
The archdiocese reported that last week, a scientific commission of the Holy See approved a miracle attributed to the intercession of the religious, which was a decisive step for the process of beatification. The decree on the miracle was submitted to Benedict XVI, and is pending his approval. The cardinal explained that Sister Dulce is an example for Christians, and that her life history is what justifies her beatification and the process of canonization. He said, "Every saint is an example of Christ, as it was in [Sister Dulce's] case; that daily dedication throughout her life to the poor and the suffering." The beatification cause of Dulce Lopes Pontes (born Maria Rita), a Brazilian sister of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God, was initiated in January, 2000 by Cardinal Agnelo. The following year, the process was handed over to the Congregation for Saints' Causes.
Sister Dulce, a native of Salvador, died in 1992 at age 78. She carried out a vast work of assistance to the poorest, especially in the field of health case. In 1988 she was proposed as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1991, already on her deathbed, she was visited by Pope John Paul II during the Pontiff's second trip to Brazil.

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