Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Further adventures in making shortbread

The other day I posted on making shortbread for the first time, having found a ceramic stoneware pan with a recipe on a garage sale for $3.

Well, it was a hit. Let's say the fam asked for more, and yesterday, as we were all working and reading in the rainy afternoon and wanting a good cup of coffee, into the kitchen I went. In preparing a double recipe this time around, I remembered a set of ceramic molds given to us for our wedding by long time friend Wendy Tribulski. OK, I had never, not once, used them, although we loved them through the years and always had them hanging on a kitchen wall until we moved here, where for lack of wall space in the kitchen (read onion and garlic braids) they went into my "nice things and glass platters" glass door cabinet.

So today I am contacting Wendy, I think it has been a dozen years since we have seen her! When we lived in NJ she hosted us in her beautiful home in sunny Avalon, on the Atlantic shore. I am saying thank you all over again for a fabulous wedding gift, used for the first time 25 years after the fact. Husband and I are charmed by her landscape paintings and we are already choosing one to purchase for our home!


  1. I know! How stories and connections are made! If you hadn't offered to host the teens then Maren wouldn't have slept over, and we wouldn't have met at Sandy's and gone rummaging together, and I wouldn't have found the pan or learned to bake shortbread and I wouldn't have remembered Wendy's molds, and would not be looking at her landscape paintings just now! Wow.

  2. Claudia Braga-Henebry
    re your latest blog post,
    I like this one:
    and this one:
