Saturday, August 27, 2011

New school year!

Number Four is taking German 2 online and two classes at our diocesan Catholic school: Physics and College Algebra. Number Five is going to that school full time and enjoying it.

Number Six is taking Latin 1 at the Catholic School as well, and is deciding between online Greek or History, or both, from the Rolling Acres School. She is also doing Wordly Wise, Faith and Life, CHC Language Level G, Faith and Life 7, World History/Geography. She is trying to decide between IEW or Lightning Lit both offered at our Tutoring Center. She is also taking a Speech Class and Middle School Chemistry at our Tutoring Center! To complete her studies she has art and choir at co-op, organ and piano lessons, and weekly ballet.

Number Seven is in soccer and loving it! Her continuing love for all pets keeps her very busy as we seem to have a new batch of kittens every week these days. She is doing CHC Language D and Speller E, Faith and Life 5, All Ye Lands World History and Teaching Textbooks Math 5. At Tutoring Center she is in Chemistry, Latin (Memoria Press' First Form Latin) and Kolbe Elementary Lit which I am excited to be leading this year! She is also dancing this year, and continuing her piano lessons as well as art and choir at co-op.

Enjoy the kittens video!


  1. LOVE the Tschicovsky and Stravinsky explanation and then it's pretty ironic that that last kitten is tomatoe. (or is it tah-ma-toe?) Ignore my spelling, please.

  2. As I watched the video, filmed by patient number six, I though of her watching herself... Ten years from now. :-)
    We just had three more born overnight. Help!

  3. Miriam and Anna liked the video! They liked the mewing.

    Miriam really liked Tomato when it jumped into the box.

    We like it so much that we wanted to send you a video too. (Miriam)

  4. You might have explained this before, but I was curious how your Tutoring Center and homeschool co-op work. Are they something you organized?

  5. Send the video, Lisa!

    Katherine, our coop is as old as the group, friday morning at a parish educational wing, all mos either teach or do something to help. Choir, art, unit studies, p.e., snack... All led by cooling moms.
    Tutoring center was started for academics for older kids, high school and jr high, to learn together. I have been directing it for four years, we have both moms and hired teacher/tutors. Send any specific questions!

  6. Mom I was the only person outside when I took the vidio.>:[
