Monday, September 26, 2011

Dom Gilson's ordination

I remember him as a young teenager running around our family property near Rio... enjoying the fellowship and swimming with the youth group. I was in college and when I visited home I used to spend time and help at a French retreat center which was at walking distance from there. My parents had helped establish this retreat center in the mountain area, run by the religious order Foyer de Charite, founded by the Marthe Robin in France. I made many retreats there even still as a child, and as a teen and college student. I enjoyed very much going  to stay there as a helper, and during those years I grew immensely in faith.

The Foyer attracted a wonderful local group of young teens and adults, and vocations came out from that. One is the newly ordained bishop, Dom Gilson de Andrade Silva, ordained this past Saturday at the Cathedral in Petropolis, Rio de Janeiro. My sister, his colleague at the Seminary and close friend, told me on the phone yesterday how wonderful and moving the ceremony was, and how the packed cathedral showed pride and happiness! People from his native area came in throngs to celebrate with him. Dom Gilson has been a faithful, intelligent and wonderful priest and monsignor, undoubtedly God in His Infinite Wisdom has great plans for him as coadjutor bishop in the large and first diocese of Brazil, Salvador of Bahia. Congratulations and may God bless you, Dom Gilson!

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