Thursday, September 22, 2011

Improptu Special Occasion

While Number Seven is gone to a One-Room-School-House field trip for the day (hopefully I will have pictures later), Number Six had old friends S. and C. over and I made them a special lunch, thanks to the late abundance of tomatoes. They all loved the homemade soup and sharp-cheddar grilled-cheese sandwiches! Here is my own...

Homemade Tomato Soup recipe:
 Heat up your pot and throw in several garlic cloves cut in half lengthwise to roast
Add olive oil and diced up onion to sauteee, salt to taste
Add tomatoes, washed and quartered 
Simmer covered until soft, add some water and blend (I use a hand blender right in the pot)
Quantities vary depending on how much soup you want to make: I used six cloves, 1 onion, six tomatoes, 1 C water, and it served four generous bowls.

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