Sunday, October 02, 2011

SD Symphony season tickets

Husband got season tickets for the SD Symphony and last night he took the kids to the first concert. It was a delightful evening for all!
The 2011-2012 season opens with the most famous four notes in classical music. Beethoven’s thunderous symphony will resonate through the hall and invigorate the audience. Guitar enthusiasts will delight in the return of Eliot Fisk performing Joaquin Rodrigo’s Fantasia guitar concerto. 


  1. I took the photo thinking of you. Bia looked so beautiful and I knew Her loving older sister would love to see the occasion. Love and miSs you always. From my Blackberry.

  2. Husband asked me to clarify that he bought the classical music option only. The thought of anyone thinking he would attend all of the performances was unsettling him. Done.

  3. oh!

    symphony tickets!

    one of the natural consolations in this life

    heard eliot fisk play guitar - oh!

    gracias a dios por todo!
