Saturday, November 05, 2011

Two books

It is so wonderful to retrace the story of how some books ever get in our hands.

Point in case: I picked up Sanctity in Other Words among a very few others at the last Serra Club Waffle Feed and book sale. As I started reading it I was immediately pulled into the person of the author--who was this man, an artist and monk, a personal friend of Knox and Evelyn Waugh--who wrote so simply--and practically--about our daily effort towards sanctity? I discovered he has not been forgotten, but in fact this same book had been re-published by Sophia Press under a different title and edited to reflect the new title. (The word Sanctity has been replaced by the word Holiness in the entire book. Sanctity rings truer to my native Portuguese Santidade and I like it better).

So, using the public library inter-library-loan services, I got a hold of his autobiography, one with a funny title, One Food in the Cradle. Irrepressibly British, witty, humble, adventurous, I am now reading of  the author's multi-continent childhood (he grew up in Alexandria, Egypt, and spent time in school and holiday alike in England and Ireland), but more  interestingly, of the journey of his soul toward both Art and God.

Good books-- food for Life, gifts from His hands.


  1. I just love Dom Van Zeller! You have found some great books!

  2. Drat! I've done a library search, an amazon search and and abe search and I can't find One Food in the Cradle. I have some of Van Zeller's work (being a Benedictine family) and I love his writings.

  3. Yes, he is very readable--and bridges that gap between profound theology and the lay, quotidian life very nicely.
