Sunday, December 04, 2011

Michelangelo, according to Number Seven

I give plenty of choices as to report formats for our weekly History class using All Ye Lands.  This week we covered the Renaissance and Number Seven did her art-report right away, as she knew exactly the angle she would take to draw Michelangelo at work. Voila. I want to share her wonderful angle to the whole world, down to the paint splotches!
Number Five's envious comment was, "Wow, you can do human hands so well!"
To complement her study on Michelangelo, I read the chapter on the great artist from our old Calvert School's wonderful History of Art.


  1. Love this. Great job Tessie.

  2. the perspective is impressive, Ms. T, especially for an 11 yo! and i see that you have your ideas on the question of whether Adam had a belly-button! ;)
