Sunday, January 01, 2012

Blessed words for the New Year

I got to know Blessed Charles de Foucauld this past year. His tumultuous early life, his search for the truly authentic Christian life, his writings... they enchanted me and brought me better understanding of a far away culture. Fr. Austin just sent this and what good thoughts for the new year.
It is good to empty your memory of all visible things, and to fill it again with the hope of heavenly things. Even here, how happy we are. There are many miseries, no doubt, our sins especially and the long procession of our imperfections and our weaknesses. But when one thinks that our beloved Jesus is always with us in the Tabernacle . . . that he is always in our souls, what can we say . . . but that life has lost its darkness . . . Dear brothers in Jesus, how lucky we are. 
Blessed Charles de Foucauld

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