Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Homeschool Spelling Bee!

It was a fun afternoon in unusually warm South Dakota January day. Number Seven won third place in the 5th/6th grade category, and Number Six won First Place! She will compete in the city-wide Bee on February 11. Good luck, Number Six, and Congratulations!

1 comment:

  1. Claudia Braga-Henebry, Maristela Da Silva Ferreira, Dolly Gudder and 17 others like this.

    Sara Archer Rankin Congratulations! Better not play ANY of you in scrabble now... I know my limitations! :) seriously, good news. You must be very proud.
    January 10 at 9:40am · Unlike · 1
    Ana Braga-Henebry We are. She is an excellent student and speller. She deserves it.
    January 10 at 9:41am · Like · 1

    Laura Rutten-Woods Congrats from the woods family
    January 10 at 10:11am · Unlike · 1
