Sunday, January 29, 2012


Friend Fr. B. A. sent this. Important stuff! I posted it on Facebook also, after signing it. I think every citizen in America should be interested in signing this.

His Eminence, Cardinal-elect Dolan, President of the USCCB, together with his brother bishops, is asking that every Catholic take the time to join in the fight for religious liberty and freedom on conscience.

The following from the USCCB website:
"Never before has federal law forced citizens to purchase what violates their deeply held beliefs and ethical convictions. But now the Administration is forcing us to act as if pregnancy were a disease to be prevented at all costs. For many Americans that means choosing between violating our consciences and forgoing health care -- literally an unconscionable dilemma.
"Our country's longstanding laws protecting conscience rights must now apply fully to the implementation of health care reform. For that we need more than rule-making, we need a law.
"The bishops are urging Congress to support the "Respect for Rights of Conscience Act" in light of the new HHS rule and the "unprecedented threat to religious freedom" it poses.
"Please CLICK HERE to join your voice with theirs and with the many organizations -- Catholic and non-Catholic -- who are fighting for religious liberty and conscience rights."

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