Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Sunday walk

Numbers Six and Seven put on their snow boots and went for a walk in the woods and down to the creek when we arrived home from Mass. I handed them my now-old camera and they returned, rosy cheeks and smiling, with these beautiful shots. 

We are still uncertain about our move. Many of you have written me, mostly about the importance of staying in the country. I do appreciate the concerns and suggestions. It is so difficult to tell here all of the factors involved, even for Husband and I it is hard to sort them out. There are many, many aspects in this decision, simple ones such as number of kids left at home and Husband's commute, and much more complex ones.

One thing is for sure: we have enjoyed, fully, each season of living in the country. And who knows, we may still be here 20, 30 years from now! In the meantime we are building a minor home improvements list. If we don't put our beautiful 18-acre property on the market, we will have a nicer home by fall!


  1. The pics are all just questionmarks, fyi

  2. The pics are all just questionmarks, fyi

  3. Nothing like a little motivation to make your own home look nicer! :-) No one can walk in your shoes or understand the comlexities. I hate real estate decisions particularly and family-impacting decisions in general. My sympathies...
    Candise & Crew
