Sunday, October 09, 2011

Dr. Hank Shugart to present "Feeding the Lions" at SDSU Oct. 10, 2011

Environmental scientist looks at Job for relevance to world today 
BROOKINGS, S.D. —Passages from the Old Testament Book of Job invoking the need to understand the functioning of the planet and its natural systems will form the basis for a science talk, “Feeding the Lions: The Conservation of Biological Diversity on a Changing Planet.”  Herman “Hank” Shugart, professor of environmental science and director of the Center for Regional Environmental Studies at the University of Virginia, will make his presentation at the South Dakota Art Museum Auditorium at 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 10. Shugart uses the biblical text documenting an ancient environment to compare Neolithic biodiversity with the current day dilemma of a simultaneously growing population and a changing climate. Shugart looks at the “whirlwind speech” found in Job to make his comparisons.  “It is my hope that the poetry of Job and the power of the whirlwind speech will help us write a more unified synthesis across the diverse global issues that Earth and its people now face,” said Shugart. Shugart’s presentation kicks off a series of visits to South Dakota State University for the Virginia and John Holtry Distinguished Lecture in Geographic Information Science.  “The Holtry Lecture series will bring internationally recognized scientists to SDSU to enhance public understanding of geographic information science and its many applications,” said Geoff Henebry, interim co-director of the Geographic Information Science Center of Excellence at SDSU.  “Dr. Shugart is a recognized leader in the use of ecosystem models to address pressing environmental issues,” said Henebry. “In addition to being a prolific scientist and author, Hank is a very entertaining speaker.”

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