Monday, October 10, 2011

A fantastic issue!

I have been enjoying the latest issue of Saint Austin Review-- it s is a fantastic one, with tons of great reading and book reviews. Take a look at the table of Contents:

Editorial 1
Joseph Pearce
From the Website 2
The Evolution Controversy: On the Links that are Missing
Joseph Pearce
An “Anguished” Love of Country: Solzhenitsyn’s 4
Paradoxical Middle Path
Daniel J. Mahoney
Catholicism as Cult and as Culture 9
Thomas Storck
Investment and the Common Good 13
Christopher O. Blum
The Last Letter of a Catholic Martyr 16
Johannes Mekel (translated by Maria Rioux)
En Passant 17
Warren Carroll
Remembered by Christopher O. Blum
Boar’s Head 18
Otto Von Habsburg
Robert Asch
New Voices 20
Holiness is . . . by Philip C. Kolin
Ends and Means by Mark Amorose
Shire Economics 21
Andrew V. Abela
Theater of the Word 25
The Religion of Political Correctness on Display
Kevin O’Brien
Musica Donum Dei 26
Opera and the July Monarchy: Meyerbeer’s Les Huguenots
Susan Treacy
Movie Star Video Vero 28
It’s A Wonderful Life
James Bemis
The Cave Wall 30
Secular and Sacred Power: Two Films by Robert Bolt
Fr. Dwight Longenecker
Sword of the Spirit 32
Fearless Preacher of the Truth
Fr. Benedict Kiely
Views & Reviews
Crown and Shamrock: Love and Hate Between Ireland 33
and the British Monarchy (Mary Kenny)
Reviewed by David Twiston Davies
He Became Poor: The Poverty of Christ and Aquinas’s 35
Economic Teachings (Christopher Franks)
Reviewed by Deborah Savage
Christianity, Democracy, and the American Idea: 37
A Jacques Maritain Reader (James P. Kelly, III)
Reviewed by C. J. Wolfe
The Political Problem of Religious Pluralism 39
(Thaddeus J. Kozinski) Reviewed by Seana Sugrue
Edith Stein and Companions: On the Way to Auschwitz 40
(Fr. Paul Hamans; translated by Sister Regina van den Burg)
Reviewed by Clara Sarrocco
10 Books Every Conservative Must Read: Plus Four 41
Not to Miss and One Imposter (Benjamin Wiker)
Reviewed by Dena Hunt
Treatise on Human Nature: The Complete Text 43
(Summa Theologiae I-II, Questions 75–102)
(St. Thomas Aquinas; translated by Alfred J. Freddosa)
Reviewed by Joseph G. Trabbic

1 comment:

  1. Is this a print publication or only available online?
