Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our trip west IV: Santa Fe Cathedral

... which was elevated to Basilica since we had last visited it by Pope Benedict XVI. If you read Willa Cather's masterpiece Death Comes for the Archbishop, you know the history behind it. The photo of the archbishop's magnificent statute goes to Volamina, who learned to love him as much as I did after reading Willa Cather.Below is a short history of the cathedral taken from its official website including information on the oldest statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary in North America--under the title of La Conquistadora.

History of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi. In 1598, Franciscan
Friars entered what is now New Mexico. These priests accompanied the Spanish colonists, who had migrated north from Mexico City.The City of Santa Fe was founded in 1610. That same year the first church was built on this site. The original adobe church was replaced in 1630 by a larger one, which was destroyed by the Pueblo Indian Revolt of 1680. The expelled Spaniards returned in 1693, but were not able to rebuild the church until 1714. This new church was named in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi, the Patron Saint of Santa Fe. The only part of this church still existing is the small adobe chapel dedicated to Our Lady La Conquistadora. Brought from Spain in 1625, the statue is the oldest representation of the Virgin Mary in the United States. In 1850, Santa Fe received its first Bishop, Father John Baptiste Lamy of France. Judging the 1714 old adobe church as inadequate for the seat of the Archdiocese, Bishop Lamy ordered a new Romanesque church built, and brought French architects and Italian stonemasons to build his Cathedral. Construction of the Cathedral began in 1869 and continued until 1887. The new Cathedral was built around the former adobe church and, when the new walls were complete, the old church was torn down and removed through the front door. The stained glass windows in the lower bay are from France and depict the twelve apostles. Seven archbishops, including Lamy, are buried in the sanctuary. Dedicated in 1887, the Cathedral’s spires were never completed due to lack of funds. During the most recent structural renewal in 1967, the Cathedral was strengthened, new sacristies were added, and a Blessed Sacrament Chapel was built. In 1987, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the stone church, a monumental altar screen depicting famous saints of North and South America was installed. The Cathedral
was elevated to a Basilica by Pope Benedict XVI in 2005. Basilica means a church of particular importance in Rome and abroad. Churches are honored by the Holy Father because of their importance in the history of spreading Catholicism.


Mary Machado said...

Oh, I love Santa Fe, so I'm very much enjoying your blog tour. Have you read La Conquistadora: The Autobiography of an Ancient Statue by Fra Angelico Chavez? Great living book on the histoy of this statue of Our Lady.

Ana Braga-Henebry said...

Thank you for the tip, Mary-- I am looking right now to request it from my library!