Saturday, August 23, 2008

Processing garden tomatoes

I followed the method from a very helpful website.

1. Wash; 2. boil whole tomatoes for a minute; 3. immerse them in very cold water; 4. peel comes off easily; 4. quarter and squeeze seeds out; 5. smaller bowl for peels, cuttings, medium bowl for squeezed out juice and seeds, larger bowl for squeezed tomato quarters; 6. I did go for the optional straining and reducing of the seeds/juice liquid and stored as tomato soup concentrate; 7. stored tomato quarters as refrigerator or sealed jars or 8. frozen!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful tomatoes!!! Aren't they yummy? I love it in the winter when they are so easy to grab and make a quick meal. Happy preserving, Liz F.

Ana Braga-Henebry said...

Thanks, Liz! Yes, we love having the summer tastes out of the freezer during the winter...