Wednesday, December 17, 2008

She has left us

May God grant her eternal rest.

I will miss you beyond words, dearest Mother.
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M.E. said...

Oh, Ana, Ana, I'm so sorry... I'm crying here for you... oh dear friend, wish I could give you a hug right now. I will keep your mother, you, and all your family in my prayers.

love2learnmom said...

I'm so sorry for your loss and will continue to keep you all in my prayers. She sounds like such a beautiful woman - I love hearing you talk about her.

Love and prayers and hugs,


Ana Braga-Henebry said...

Thank you, Alicia. I just spoke to my brothers and sisters. She is at home, amidst beautiful flowers and candles, the home decorated for Christmas, and a mass will be celebrated there at 11 AM, before the burial. That's the custom in Brazil... there is no way I could possibly go.

Ana Braga-Henebry said...

Thank you, dear friends. Her suffering is over. The girls wondered today in History about what Heaven would look like... as we looked at Giotto paintings during a Renaissance study. I am glad my girls thought of heaven and enjoyed Giotto on the day my dear Mother saw the face of our Loving Father--Who undoubtedly is welcoming her and rewarding her for her courage to give so much to her husband, eleven children and all who have came across her in her rich, full life.

Maureen said...

My dear Ana, we are praying for you and your family here. And for your mother's blessed soul. Rob, who lost his mother last year, says you get closer to the Blessed Mother after losing your earthly mother. May Mary wrap you in her love.

Ana Braga-Henebry said...

May Rob's words be true-- I would love that. Thanks,

Anonymous said...

My girls heard the news of your mother -- maybe from one of your children? "May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace."



Katie said...

I am so sorry for your loss, Ana. You and your entire family are in our prayers. God peace be with you all.

Ana Braga-Henebry said...

Thank you from a hurting heart, but firm in God's love!

Anonymous said...


I'm so sorry dear friend. God bless you, all of you. You are in our prayers.

mom211 said...

We are so sad to hear about the loss of your dear Mother, may she rest in peace. You and your family are in our prayers.
May God Bless you and Mary keep you,

ilovethem said...

I am sorry about the loss of your mother. Sometimes, it is just so hard to give them back. Thinking and Praying for you and her soul.
Lindsay Boever

Anonymous said...

Mrs. B-H,

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Be aware of your prayers for you. I know that there are no words to make you feel better, so I will just say, GOD give you the strength for where you need it the most.


Mary Machado said...

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Praying here for the repose of her soul and for comfort for you and your family.

Ana Braga-Henebry said...

Dear Annamarie, your words are true. My heart rejoices in God's love.
Please tell your Mom thanks for her kind words in her email as well.

Diana Ganser said...


Acabei de ler a respeito da sua adorável mãe. Conte com minhas orações. Certamente, neste momento ela já está olhando nos olhos de Nosso Senhor e Nossa Senhora. A tristeza é grande, eu sei, mas o que consola é a certeza de que Nossa Senhora está com ela agora. Ajuda, neste momento, imaginar a alegria dela ao passar o Natal junto Àquele que é o próprio Natal. E enfim, saber que ela, ao contrário de nós, não tem que imaginar mais nada: ela já está vendo (e tocando) em N.Senhor Jesus Cristo e Nossa Mãe Santíssima.

Um forte abraço.

Diana (a "fã" de Petrópolis e agora em Madison-WI).

Ana Braga-Henebry said...

Thank you to all of the comments here, Facebook messages and emails. The Church is wise in listing Consoling the Sorrowful as a Work of Mercy--it makes a big difference. With Husband in CA, the desolation in our home would be much greater without the pouring of friendship.
Diana, estamos perto agora, somente com o estado de MN entre no's!

Anonymous said...

Brothers and Sisters, Claudio and Titia,

It is with heavy heart that I write to you on occasion of our dear
mamãe passing from this vale of tears to her well-earned rest among
the just.

Unfortunately, I am on travel and cannot be with Aninha to share the
sorrow that breaks her heart these harsh hours.

I lost my father several years ago now. His decline was slow but
steady and irrevocable. It was very difficult to see a once robust man
reduced by disease and medicine to a confused shell. The feeling of
the loss of a parent does not go away, but it transforms with time.
The bitter sorrow is replaced with remembrances and saudades, too.

Lúcia was a great woman: a radiant example of the well-lived,
well-loved life. This is so clearly evident in one of the last
pictures taken in the hospital before the surgery. Her face and eyes
shine with engagement of life and love that reaches through the
picture into your heart. Mamãe continues with us and among us,
binding us together in shared experience, memories, laughter, and

I wish that Aninha, the kids, and I could be with you now during the
wake, the mass, and the burial to share the grieving and witness the
closure of a wonderful life.

May you take consolation in His Peace!


Suzanne Temple said...

I am so, so sorry, Anna. May God comfort you. You are in my thoughts and prayers today.

Caitilin said...

Oh Ana, I am so sorry. I wish I could say something wise and helpful, but I know there's nothing to say. We are praying for you and all your family. We love you. God's peace be with you as Mamae is with him.

Jennifer Gregory Miller said...

Ana, I'm so sorry. I think losing a parent is one of the hardest crosses to bear. My prayers go with you and your family, and for the soul of your mother.

Christine said...

Dear Ana,

I am so sorry. You and your family are in my prayers. May your mother rest in peace and may perpetual light shine upon her.


Nancy Piccione said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my mother November 28, and as I read of your mom's struggle I was praying for your family. I can't say what a blessing my faith, friends and family have been at this time; thank you for expressing so eloquently (as usual) how you experience this loss.

Ana Braga-Henebry said...

Thank you Nancy, and all who sent generous, kind comments here. In the cold of the winter and the expecting of the Christ Child, my heart is immersed in grief.

matthew archbold said...

God bless you and your family. You are all in our prayers.

Alice Gunther said...

So sorry, Ana. Praying for you--and for your beautiful mother.

Ana Braga-Henebry said...

Thank you. As the weather gets better my heart begins to heal... although I suppose it's a life long road of healing and missing.

Anonymous said...


I am so sorry to hear about your Mother. May she rest in peace.
You and your family are all in my prayers.

from your old back door neighbors in NJ-
Annie, Tucker, Becca, Emma, and Bridget

KC said...

Just seeing this post. I am so sorry. Praying for you all.