Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our trip west, III: the Chapel at Loretto and the miraculous staircase

For the readers who have never heard of the beautiful story surrounding the miraculous staircase of Loretto in Santa Fe, NM, here's s very short summary: the nuns needed a staircase and prayed a novena to good Saint Joseph, carpenter. On the ninth day, an unknown man named Jose came and offered to build them a staircase, which was built without center support, without nails, his only tools being a saw and a tub of water. He disappeared after it was finished and no one in the region knew him. The wood he used is not from around there-- but common in the Holy Land! How cool is that? For more details check the official website. Many skeptics have called it a false legend. It takes faith, and I for one choose to believe it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the story of that staircase. How cool that you got to see it.