Friday, July 13, 2007

My easy and versatile Pesto

Growing basil? Excellent! My friend Catherine came over yesterday for the kids’ Math lab afternoon, and while she updated her calendar I worked on my first batch of Pesto to freeze. She took some home and we talked about how versatile this recipe is.

Ana’s Pesto

When your Basil is about to flower, harvest the plant, and carefully pick out and wash all the good leaves. (Please keep in mind that I never measure anything. Feel free to adjust your amounts and quantities to taste!)


4 C basil leaves

in a food processor with

4 garlic cloves

½ C olive oil

salt to taste

½ C good Parmesan or Romano cheese (or mozzarella or Swiss—whatever you have—experiment!)

½ C nuts: I have used: pine nuts, walnuts, pecans, even sunflower seeds!

After processed, freeze it in small containers, ½ C amounts. Any time during the year you want fresh Pesto, cook

1 lb. pasta and toss it with the Pesto—almost no need to thaw.

Note: this recipe can (and has been) multiplied by just about any number-- yesterday I made 2 batches).

Bon Appetit!

1 comment:

Jennifer in TX said...

Hi Ana,
We love a good pesto, too! I need to harvest my bush, though our first freeze is not so close here in TX! My recipe is very similar to yours but I add a small bunch of parsley to mine to make it a bit milder for my little ones. They love green noodles, though! God bless your day.