Friday, February 06, 2009

Pray for Catholic College

Our good friends Jack and Sheila asked me to post this...
The Catholic College of Our Lady of Corpus Christi (COLCC) is working with the University of St. Thomas in Houston to accelerate its accrediation, as it prepares for the Fall of 2009 semester.  COLCC is expecting to have 50 students registered for classes.  10 students have already early enrolled representing the US, Europe and Africa.  website:  
The campus is located on 60 acres of Holy ground, located five minutes from downtown Corpus Christi.  The College's Chapel is one of the most beautiful in all of the US; and in addition to daily Mass, holds morning and evening prayer and Perpetual Adoration.
Fr. Jim Flanagan, S.O.L.T., founder of The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity 51 years ago, was the visionary to bring a Catholic College faithful to the Magisterium to Corpus Christi. 
Fr. Jim Kelleher, President of COLCC, is committed to leading the College to world-class recognition through the principles of unity, excellence and shared goals.
Please pray for the success of the College as it prepares for its Fall 2009 semester. 

Prayer to the College of Our Lady of Corpus Christi

Dearest Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death, Amen.

Dear Jesus, A Blessed Member of the Trinity, Son of Mary, the Ever Virgin and St. Joseph, a humble servant of God, please provide guidance, along with your parents, through constant intercession that the deeds and efforts of your humble servant priests, religious, and all other faithful Catholics, who serve to build Our Lady of Corpus Christi into a faithful, world-class Catholic institution of higher learning achieve things that without your guidance would not be possible. 

May You Bless Padre Jim, Padre Dan and Padre Sam; to come together as a team, “Los Tres Padres”, to act as one; three but ordinary men, acting together as one, to do great things that mankind may benefit, to have a profound impact on the daily struggle that faithful Catholics face in the battle of Good versus Evil; and through their daily efforts, to leave no important detail to this goal untouched; may they exalt Our Lady of Corpus Christi College, founded on Holy Grounds through the vision of Father Flannigan, founder of S.O.L.T., so that this effort creates a model so visible to mankind across the world, that others come to study its success and virtues, as they demand to learn and know the truth, and to take the truth with them, so to establish it in nations across the world; those in most need of the protection of the Power of the Holy Trinity; so that souls may be saved and babies not aborted, so that the poor and the persecuted be given the light, to allow them to endure their pain, with the endless hope that salvation is but a moment away, as they achieve their eternal greatness upon entry into Heaven, at the time their souls leave this planet.

May the students that graduate from this college and other faithful colleges that follow, to be held true by the vision of Father Flannigan, that a Litany of Colleges be created, to do the power of the Holy Spirit; may all become great teachers, thought-leaders, thinkers and great priests, religious and parents; so to plant seeds with future generations to come, so to provide the soldiers of faith, with sufficient strength and resolve to take back our society, both in the U.S. and across the world, that the culture of death of the unborn child may be stricken from all laws manmade and untrue, and may the only Truth remain, that Your Word is heard throughout the world, that the unborn through the aged have their rightful unalienable rights bestowed on them through the Power of God, as describe in the Christian Doctrine, that has preceded man through eternity and shall remain true when all the ashes settle and those that hold life to be true, rise up through the ashes to be exalted oh so most high for eternity in the Light, for ever and ever, Amen.

This humble prayer, please allow it to provide guidance, that the Leadership of Our Lady of Corpus Christi, including the Leadership of S.O.L.T., allow for the seeds of Los Tres Padres, to be properly nurtured for five faithful growing seasons of souls here on this Holy Ground; and that that at which time You will release them to do Your Will as You see fit; to which today, we should not dwell, but focus on the tasks at hand, to hold Your Will be done.  Amen.

1 comment:

Christine said...

I will be praying. Fr. Kelleher is speaking at the Northwest Catholic Family Education Conference in May.