Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A young student's letter

This is an excerpt of a letter written by the college freshman daughter of a fellow Catholic homeschool mother, and I received permission to post it. I love it! She wrote in response to an event she had to attend, where a poet came and recited very low, vulgar poetry. Enjoy!

"...this is not an example of the noble art of poetry. Poetry,
as my father says, used to seize the imaginations of people so
passionately, they'd go to war, they'd forgive their enemies, they'd
weep over a stranger's grave. Poetry caused Schliemann to spend a
fortune sifting a windswept Anatolian plateau for the dream called
Troy. Poetry is not the half-intelligible ramblings of a mind so
shriveled by self-pity and self-gratification that the most meaningful
idea it can offer is hedonism: Feast today, for tomorrow we die.

"I understand that Mr. Maximus and his nihilistic rap lyrics hold a
special place in the heart of multiculturalists, but how large a
portion of our souls should my generation pay the gods of tolerance?
How much good does it do the world that we drink this pollution? More
to the point, how can this great university community expect to mold
us into Christians of character when even Character U preaches the
objectification of human beings-from living souls to lifeless
playthings? As freshmen, life is hard enough; must we also endure
attacks on beauty itself?

"Needless to say, the poetry reading saddened me considerably. Please,
I implore you, invite some other poet next year. My generation has
swallowed enough sewage, we have drunk enough poison; let us enjoy
something wholesome for once."


M.E. said...

That is beautifully written and so very true. God bless her!!

Kalynne Pudner said...

Somebody taught that young lady very well. Now, I guess it's her turn to do the teaching. Kudos!