On audio, we have been enjoying some Wodehouse which never gets old, and also the third book of McCall Smith's series entitled Portuguese Irregular Verbs: The Villa of Reduced Circumstances. Just the name of the beloved professor's host in Colombia--Sr. Cinco Fermentaciones--has me smiling while driving.
Numbers Six and Seven have already filled their library summer reading program logs but continue to read. Number Six is currently enjoying Amos Fortune, a book I also loved. I recommended Booker T. Washington's Up From Slavery for her next book, an unforgettable read.
Voracious-reader Husband is always reading, and around his nightstand there are several books. I will mention one because I too am reading it. We discuss it now and then when we both make another dent into it: Toward the Gleam is a new work of fiction and it is full of surprising nuggets. Ancient manuscripts, Oxford professors, some real characters woven into the plot, and a typical super bad guy make it a fun summer reading!

The one I am savoring and loving is a book recommended by priest friend Fr. B. A.: A Memory for Wonders: A True Story by Veronica Lamoyo de Goulart, with a preface by the wonderful Mother Mary Francis, the Poor Clare from Gallup, NM, playwright and author of the bestselling and marvelous book A Right to be Merry. It turns out she is directly responsible for the publication of this book and also worked as editor, as the author was a personal friend of hers. The book is an intimate autobiography, and I am still in her childhood as her parents move from city to city in French-dominated Morocco. This is a book I am slowly savoring as it brings a different world into mine, a new world both interior and exterior.
We've been listening to "Thank you, Jeeves" and you can never go wrong with von Igelfeld.
"thank you Jeeves" is excellent!
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