Sunday, March 18, 2012

...and we have a State Winner!

 It was simply amazing! Number Six did it! The pictures show all of the contestants, and then her spelling of the winning word--imperilment--followed by a photo of her and the delightful second place winner, giving an interview, and finally Husband getting the lowdown on the trip to National Scripps Spelling Bee, sponsored by the University of South Dakota.

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Grace said...

Congratulations to your daughter and all of you who coached her!!! What a high for a young spelling student.:) I always dreamed of making it to the National Bee. You can bet we'll be watching this year's bee. Go SD!!:)

Candise and Crew said...

Spelling is fun --I am so glad to see this news from the Braga-Henebry blog! Congratulations to Maria and good luck in D.C.!! Very excited conclusion to a long preparation process. Blessings to her coach, too :-)
Candise & Crew