What else I am busy with?
Garden work: onions are doing great as usual and the tomatoes, after years of being affected by the blight, are loving the heat and looking healthy! I followed a friend gardener's advice and covered the soil around each tomato plant with newspapers. Zucchinis are early and in abundance and appear at our every meal, but my experimental flower-growing seems to be nocturnal deer food. Also doing well are eggplant, cabbage, basil, salad greens, and of course raspberries! A new thing has been watering with a whey-water solution, seems like the plants love it! Since I have been straining all of our homemade yogurt, I have plenty of whey.
Tutoring Center: I am currently revising what must be the 13th or 14th version of our course schedule, but I am now almost there. Trying to accommodate all teachers' and families' needs!
Shakespeare Camp: I have been meeting with director Caitilin and planning costumes, props and some movement choreography. This is a fun part of the year for both of us! Also ordering and managing the camp's T-Shirts etc.
Acreage on the market: it will be listed on Tuesday July 3rd, I will post listing here next week. With the house painted from top to bottom and having gone through every room etc we decided that we will try this. God's will be done.
Prayer: Especially with the outcome of the Supreme Court decision today, praying for the awful HHS unjust mandate has never been so important.
Entendi bem melhor onde é a horta com a foto !
Quanta coisa pra fazer, sis!! Te admiro tanto.
Não deixe de mandar o anúncio do sítio -- gostaria de ver.
I am so proud of all your hard work! It is clear that a mother's labors keep the family close knit in many ways: educationally with Shakespeare and co-op, physically with what they eat, and financially through your stewardship over the home. Good Luck tomorrow!
Candise & Crew
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