Monday, December 10, 2012

Morning Star

I just took this photo. (Mind you, I literally almost froze out there on the front porch in my flannel nightgown and shearling slippers as the temperature this morning is well.... in the negative Fahrenheit digits somewhere where it is useless to count.)
But who wouldn't step out there when confronting such a morning sky? Whenever the morning star is so prevalent I think of the Blessed Mother under that title, one of my favorites in the Litany of Loretto. I learned it in Portuguese and it is so very poetic: Estrela da Manhã. Mary, Morning Star, from whom comes the Light of the World.  Looking online for a link for the litany I found a very good site from the University of Dayton, with each page of an old book on each Marian title scanned. Enjoy!

Let us pray.
O God,you willed that, at the message of an angel,your word should take flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary;grant to your suppliant people,that we, who believe her to be truly the Mother of God,may be helped by her intercession with you.Through the same Christ our Lord.R. Amen.

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