Saturday, April 11, 2015

Sister Marta OSB, lector

Every time I check the Abbey website (which I do about twice daily) and find a photo of my little dearest sister, my heart fills... and so do my eyes. 

This time my heart swelled even more, as one photo showed her as lector. She is a superb reader, and a fantastic storyteller to boot! (I too enjoy reading aloud, and am privileged to be lector at our parish these days. Indeed during Holy Week I read quite often!) We both, as many of our siblings, inherited this trait from both our parents--they were both superb readers of stories, and also could tell a story in such a way to keep us mesmerized. Especially Mother. She would tell us of good films or books in installments at dinner time... her adoring audience was captivated like none else.

Enjoy the photos of the Abbey, as they celebrated one of the sisters' silver jubilee. Sister Marta is very easy to find, as the only white-veiled sister. The hilarious Google translation is below, as is the original German. 

Silver Profession of Sr. Maria Magdalena Zunker OSB

The Octave of Easter was a nice conclusion and climax in the celebration of the anniversary of our profession sibernen Sr. Mary Magdalene. On Saturday 11.4., The three siblings were our birthday girl from Munich to Hamburg traveled with children and grandchildren, to rejoice and celebrate with us. Erzabt Korbinian Birnbacher OSB of St. Peter in Salzburg, Sr. Maria Magdalena knows of the Bavarian Benedictine Academy ago, stood as the main celebrant before the church service. Concelebrants were Fr. Joseph Kärtner OSB (Plankstetten), cathedral minister Josef Hofer Blome, Episcopal Vicar Bernd Dennemarck and Father Richard Schenk OP. In his homily put Erzabt Korbinian attention to the "three Ts": loyalty, depth and transparency. Carry through a decision once made over the years in truth, was a powerful and important character in our unstable and incapable of binding time. Although religious are no better people, but would have the opportunity to see life in a different, deeper dimension and to set other values ​​as a benchmark, as it is "outside" usually does. Transparency means a Transparent If God, as if to carry him through his own person to the fellows on. Religious are indeed always called to live as Easter people, which will radiate the joy of the resurrection of Christ and his victory over death.

The original German:

Silberprofess von Sr. Maria Magdalena Zunker OSB

Die Osteroktav fand einen schönen Abschluß und Höhepunkt in der Feier des sibernen Professjubiläums unserer Sr. Maria Magdalena. Am Samstag, 11.4., waren von München bis Hamburg die drei Geschwister unserer Jubilarin mit Kindern und Enkeln angereist, um sich mit uns zu freuen und zu feiern. Erzabt Korbinian Birnbacher OSB von St. Peter in Salzburg, der Sr. Maria Magdalena von der bayerischen Benediktinerakademie her kennt, stand als Hauptzelebrant dem Festgottesdienst vor. Konzelebranten waren P. Josef Kärtner OSB (Plankstetten), Dompfarrer Josef Blomenhofer, Bischofsvikar Bernd Dennemarck und Pater Richard Schenk OP. In seiner Festpredigt legte Erzabt Korbinian das Augenmerk auf die "drei Ts": Treue, Tiefe und Transparenz. Eine einmal getroffene Entscheidung über Jahre in Treue durchzutragen, sei in unserer unbeständigen und bindungsunfähigen Zeit ein starkes und wichtiges Zeichen. Ordensleute seien zwar keine besseren Menschen, hätten aber die Möglichkeit, das Leben in einer anderen, tieferen Dimension zu sehen und andere Werte als Maßstab zu setzen, als man es gewöhnlich "draußen" tut. Die Transparenz meint ein Durchlässigwerden für Gott, ihn gleichsam durch die eigene Person an die Mitmenschen weiter zu transportieren. Ordensleute seien ja stets aufgerufen, als österliche Menschen zu leben, die die Freude über die Auferstehung Christi und seinen Sieg über den Tod ausstrahlen sollen.

1 comment:

Eva said...

Your sister's German must be pretty good by now? You should go and visit some day :).