Monday, August 31, 2015

A plethora of flowers for the Blessed Virgin

It has been a while since I posted here my weekly gathering of flowers for the Blessed Mother! They have come from friends' yards and with strangers' yards alike, from Catholic friends and non-Catholics too, from the store, or from an occasional bouquet given to me... Of all of the services I have volunteered to do in life, this one may be the one of the ones I most enjoy! Whenever I see more people coming to her statue and lighting candles and praying at church, I like to believe the fresh flowers are part of it. Salve Regina! 

Blessed Virgin,
to whom I am so very thankful,
who protected me, 
guided me,
inspired me to be a a saint since childhood,
these flowers are for you!
May you remain always close to my heart,
all my days, pointing me to Christ your Divine Son,
in Whom my heart will finally rest one day.

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