Monday, September 21, 2015

My Auntie

She has always loved to go outside and be in the sunshine... and my brother Pedro who lives closest to her sent this photo the other day to us, her nephews and nieces.

It is hard for me to receive such a photo without tearing up. The heart gets tight and small, and a lump comes in the throat. I so miss my dearest, dearest auntie! She is such a part of my childhood and youth, and I think of her there in her golden days, the best patient her caretakers could ask for! 

It is because of her that I have volunteered recently to join the lay people of my parish to take communion to the home-bound elderly. For how many years my auntie has enjoyed this privilege, all from the hands of kind parish volunteer ministers. When I do this for others it is a way I find to say Thank You to those wonderful people.

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