Saturday, April 16, 2016

First Holy Communion

This dear goddaughter is making her First Holy Communion today. We were able to send her cards and gifts... but unfortunately with Husband in Asia, and busy life here I am not able to be there. Earlier this morning her aunt sent me this beautiful photo as she got ready to go! May this be the happiest day of her life, as my own First Holy Communion is for me to this day! 

Heavenly Father,
Eucharistic Lord,
Be with Marguerite Marie today,
in this day of heavenly glory! 

May she never forget what her heart feels today:
Full of love, 
experiencing for the first time,
a Presence that remains forever
as we live our life constantly in His Love.


I post here two pages from a booklet my dear Mother made for me before my first Communion. I will soon scan all of the pages as it is one of my most treasured possessions! She made it at my insistent pleading. My sister Tereza d'Avila had one made for her on the occasion of her own First Communion, and I adored looking at it--and when my own day approached, I so very much wanted one as well. I still can't believe my good Mother took the time and effort to make that little booklet for me!

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