I have always thought a job would eventually come to me. Well, in an anti-climatic way, it happened as I expected. The application and interview went almost inadvertently and here I am employed. Well, not yet as it begins mid May. 20 hours a week staffing our Art Museum 5 blocks away. I have had mixed feelings--do I need the money? Why work for so little pay? Will it even cover the cost of the restaurant diners we will have to enjoy because I will be too tired to cook? ... and other questions. And yet as I have talked to Husband, and Number One, and the director who interviewed me, this seems to be a stepping stone to me working at the University eventually. It was a funny interview-- with me telling about all of the many things I never put in the application, and with she pleading me to work there. She was like "You have a Masters degree in Art, while my background is in hardware store retail!" :-)
I don't look forward to the scheduling or the miserable pay--but I do look forward to being there and chatting with all of the summer tourists and visitors! Number Six says she will clean and cook more at home and I will give her some money for that. It is just so clearly a door I should enter--and, trusting in God, enjoy the adventure. I collected here the many photos I have posted from our visits to the wonderful small museum.
That is what happened to me three years ago: Our college asked me to teach German again (I had stopped teaching at the college level in 1998). I first was very hesitant, thinking it would be too much (and also not very much money). But I do enjoy it now, although I still have all five children at home and teach them all. Often, it is too much work and I do not get everything done here at home. But I am learning new things myself and feel challenged in ways I had not been for a long time. Good luck to you! I am sure it will be a joy to you.
Só agora vi esse post. Que legal. Vou visitar o museu! 20 horas é só part-time; isso é "recreio".... Se não curtir, cai fora. Isso mesmo, pense assim: estou sendo paga pra viver uma aventura nova. Vc é exímia em planejamento. E tem 4 outras pessoas em casa pra cozinhar, porque essa alternativa de restaurante"? Viva!
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