Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Saint Theresa Benedicta's Feast Day!

Happy Feast Day to our own Theresa Benedicta! May the courage and faithfulness of your patron saint be a guiding light to our dearest and youngest daughter, whim we named after this amazing and brilliant scholar and saint of the Twentieth century!

"August 9th is the Feast Day of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, who was martyred on that day in 1942 in the Auschwitz concentration camp. The story of the Jewish Carmelite Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, known in the world as Edith Stein, presents us with one of the more brilliant converts to come to the Faith in [the twentieth] century; it also places us in close contact with a horrendous tragedy of the modern world, the Holocaust." Fr. Charles P. Connor

Read more of her incredible story here: http://www.ignatiusinsight.com/features/edithstein_august92004.asp

This is the prayer Husband and I wrote long ago, before our two youngest we re born, and had it approved by Fr. Kenneth Baker.

Dearest Saint Theresa Benedicta,
whose love for God was so profound,
to the point ot total self-abandonment,
we beg you to take this petition to Our Lord,
with Whom you live in eternal bliss.
Please pray for us, help us grow in holiness,
and see more clearly His will for us.

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