Sunday, January 15, 2017

My Talk to the Brazilian Homeschool group

I was invited to speak to a Brazilian Homeschooling group of families yesterday near BH. The location of the suburban development was about half hour away, and the road was very picturesque, as you can see! BH is the third largest city in Brazil, and it's the Denver of Brazil-- almost a mile high. It it surrounded by hills and mountains and roads like this.

They served a delicious lunch and teat time cakes and fruits as well. I spent the whole day with them and my talks was after lunch. I brought photo that they showed on the TV.

It was really wonderful to tell them about my life, because that is what they wanted to hear. I showed the photos below (I collected them from the tag "Homeschool Life" in this blog, and spoke about the many facets of homeschool life for us through the years. Then I opened for questions and they asked wonderful questions that developed into fruitful discussion! How exciting to be part of a movement that seems to exploding in my native country right now. It was truly a magical, amazing day--and during conversations we found many people and places in common! Two of  the families drove or flew from far for the meeting. We all plan to keep in touch!

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