Friday, April 19, 2019

Keeping one hour in His company

After Holy Thursday Mass, when we process to the altar of repose, there is always this immense desire to stay with Him, as the apostles slept, and He was alone in the garden undergoing the agony before the Passion.  Our parish sang the Pange Lingua and provided ample space for the faithful to keep Our Lord company. So many came! When I left after 9 PM there were still many there.

One of the things I did while in His company was to pray the rosary for our family.

I offered the rosary for our whole family, asking that He would allow me to keep Him company through the recitation of this beautiful prayer. As I started with the Creed and first Aves, it came to me to offer the different decades to our children according to their themes. It was Thursday, so I began contemplating on the Luminous mysteries.

I offered the first mystery, the Baptism at the Jordan River, for our two oldest children. With the birth of those two I too was born into motherhood! Through their births and baptisms, when we were still graduate students in Texas, Husband and I had our lives completely changed. I reflected on those events as I repeated the beautiful prayers, expressing gratitude for their lives, and pleading that God will always guide their hearts, their decisions and paths. That they live all their days in the light of Love.

The second mystery, the wedding at Cana, is one of my favorites. How not to be excited when reciting the Aves as a wedding is underway? And the one wedding where the best wine ever served on earth is miraculous produced? May we all enjoy a glass of that every night at dinner in Paradise! My prayers went naturally to the two revently wedded couples, Numbers Three and Five, their beautiful and faithful spouses, so much to be thankful for! May their married life be light in the world, may their marriage be fruitful, healthy and long-lived!

The third mystery, the Proclamation of the Kingdom, was offered for Number Four. I reflected on how many times people came to tell me how well-impressed they were with our handsome, serious and quiet son, his upright behavior, his gentleness and respectful demeanor. My heart filled with gratitude to think of a son who is disciplined, prayerful, kind. I asked that God will show and accompany him in the path to heaven!

Number Six, who is spending these holy days with the sisters in the Norbertine Monastery in Tehachapi, CA, was the one I prayed for in the fourth mystery, the Transfiguration. I always see this mystery as the one time when the apostles were the closest to the glorious reality of God... and there she is, choosing to spend these days in a way she finds to be closest to the beauty of God! May God in his infinite Love guide her heart and her life path!

Last but not least I offered the Institution of the Eucharist mystery for our little and beloved Number Seven. How suitable to offer this mystery for her on the very feast of the Institution of the Eucharist! I asked that her pending college decision will be clear and easy, and that she will hear Jesus in the tabernacle calling her, always, wherever she goes, keeping forever lit her young and sincere love for the Eucharistic Lord!

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