Monday, June 08, 2020

A treasure found!

God certainly writes in “crooked lines”... (this sounds much better In Portuguese: “Deus escreve certo por linhas tortas...”)

The family albums project has given me so much insight into His role in our family.

The other day I found a note my dear mother wrote after I announced Number Six’ pregnancy. Her home-made cards were always made with old holy cards—she had a score of them!—and above her prayerful words, asking God that this child would live for His glory alone, and that she would bring blessings and joy to both her parents and her siblings, she glued a gorgeous holy image (German) of the Nativity of Mary, with the letters of Our Lady’s name above... M-A-R-I-A... I have no memory of receiving, or ever reading this card, although I know I did, as I kept it and glued it to our family album.

... and to think this sixth child turned out to be our sweeties, tiniest little girl, whom we named after the Blessed Virgin herself as the card displayed..., and that she grew up from a young age with her heart completely turned to all that was good and higher. That she has brought immeasurable joy and countless blessings to her parents and siblings in so many ways. And that she entered religious life on the very Feast of the Nativity of Mary!

What a grandmother’s prayer can accomplish!

Praise God whose deeds are unfathomable and wonderful!

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