Friday, July 25, 2014

Praying for the newly-engaged couple

Yesterday at Adoration I prayed for Number Three as he was about to propose marriage to his beautiful girlfriend. I had prayed and reflected on these mysteries before, when I first knew he was looking at rings, but yesterday it was all happening, and again my fingers ran through the Luminous Mysteries...

I started with the Baptism at the Jordan, and I reflected on his childhood, growing up from an adorable baby and expressive, sensitive toddler to the charming, talkative, sensitive, compassionate college man. We had him baptized and raised in the faith at home, and I prayed that his upbringing in God's love will carry him through his whole life. 

The Wedding at Cana Ave-Marias had me praying for their wedding and preparations, and all that will be involved in the process. There is so much in preparing for a beautiful and meaningful ceremony and celebration: that it will be all for God's greater glory.

During the Proclamation of the Kingdom beads,  I prayed that their marriage and family life is a proclamation of God's kingdom by their very life and example, that they will be a reflection of the life of Our Lord Jesus in the world today, wherever they live, through their marriage, their children, their hospitality, and their charity.

When I started the rosary, I didn't know how the Transfiguration would tie in with praying for this incoming proposal/engagement... But as I said the Our Father it came to mind that when I contemplate on the Transfiguration I think of how close the apostles were during those moments to the beatific vision... And I looked back, searching for when in our marriage Husband and I felt closest to God' blinding light. I immediately realized that those were the sorrowful times. The crosses of life, and there many of them. Difficult decisions. Arguments. Children in the hospital. Times of grieving. Amazing how I look back at those times and see them now as moments of God's light. So I prayed that they rely on God, most especially in their difficult moments. And that later, as they look back at their own times of sorrow, they too will see those times as bathed in light.

The last mystery, the Institution of the Eucharist, had me asking God for them to always rely in the sacramental life. That the sacraments of confession and communion will always be part of their lives and that their family life will be a healthy succession of baptisms, first communions, Matrimony, maybe Holy Orders, and of course the Anointing of the Sick when needed, which brings such consolation. 

May their life together bring them much happiness, children, and rewards they cannot yet imagine. That they see their marriage as a noble, worthy state in this life, and a vehicle toward their road to Heaven. 

1 comment:

Christine said...

Beautiful! May God bless the newly engaged couple!