Friday, October 17, 2014

Trip to Santa Fe, Part I

Husband was to speak at his alma mater, Saint John's College in Santa Fe, and invited me to go along. I accepted!

We had two short, beautiful flights. The Missouri was a glorious view.
Before we got on the shuttle to the college, we went for an early morning walk to the Plaza.

Our attempts at selfies are hilarious. 

The Cathedral built by Bishop Lamy, as told in Willa Cather's Death Comes for the Archbishop,
one of mine and my Mamae's most well-loved books.

It was elevated to a Basilica by Pope Benedict XVI in 2005. 

One sees depictions of this title of Our Lady all over town. She is Our Lady of Peace.

Every explanation is bilingual.

In the historical side chapel, there were many relics!

Number Four's patron saint!

Took this picture for Number Seven, lover of animals! 

The historical reredos, from the 1600s.


So beautiful!

Bad photo, the painting was breathtaking! 

More history, this time musical!

Looking to main altar


Looking back to choir loft

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