Monday, December 28, 2015

More on gifts: Books!

When the kids were little, Husband and I used to tell them that every one of their Christmas lists had to include "good books". I am glad I did, because both the asking-for and the giving-of books have remained a permanent fixture of our Christmas gift exchange!

Number Two and Oat sent gifts via Amazon delivery: both so interesting!

And Number One chose one from the same author!

Number Two also sent doodles for the girls to color! Which they have been doing. :-)

Numbers Six and Seven loved their fun ones: Star Wars stickers and some sheet music of an Icelandic band they enjoy.

Godchildren stateside and abroad received Chesterton essays!

And this went for sister Marta OSB who will only receive it around Candlemas.

A good friend was given this which was a pleasant find on Amazon!

And Number Six asked for the Fr. Dubay one, and received as well the Mother Mary Frances one, who has a been a beloved author.

And finally Number Five asked for this one and says it will be super useful!

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